
If sitting back and doing absolutely nothing is not enough, take your pick from a range of activities on offer.


There is plenty good reason for Tirthan Valley to lay claim to the anglers’ paradise sobriquet. Be it passion or passing fancy, come, and find out for yourself. We will be happy to assist with the required license (Rs300/day). Experts available on chargeable basis.


Being neighbours with the Great Himalayan National Park is no small boast. Pack your trekking gear to best savour this little-explored UNESCO World Heritage Site. Or trudge up to the Bashleo Pass (3277 metres) from Bathad for an overdose of high Himalayan panoramas. Experienced guides available on chargeable basis.

Day Hikes

A leisurely 45 minute walk through pretty countryside from Nagini (9 kms) will bring you to the Jogni Falls.
Chaini Kothi, the tallest standing structure of its kind in these parts, lies at the end of a couple of hours of an often steep climb from Banjar (20 kms).

The well-defined Raghupur Fort and Serolsar Lake hikes spring from Jalori Pass (32 kms) and will include a two-and-half hour drive to the pass.


If you’d rather drive, then consider one to Sarchi, a picturesque hamlet 25 kms from here. A longer one leads to Jalori Pass (3290 metres) where incredible Himalayan vistas await. Time and inclination permitting, crossover to Khanag and pay homage to Penelope Chetwode, early 20th century British traveller who made these hills home and authored
Kullu – The End of The Hospitable World.

Nature Trails

Well-marked trails in and around the retreat lend themselves to many a leisurely stroll. As well as a chance to make the acquaintance of resident bird-life.

Others River-crossing, Rappelling and Rock climbing can be arranged on prior intimation.



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